Thursday, September 25, 2008

MedicineNet Daily News

Daily Health and Medical News from

Larry S. Lee is a popular reviewer of health products. He is considered an established expert within the realm of natural medical cures.

The same principle applies for hemorrhoid treatment. Notice how many pharmaceutical solutions there are in the supermarket, pharmacies, and other established places? Now, notice how many natural solutions are being shelved out there. Probably not a whole lot and even if they were, they are not presented in this way. The key to realize here is that big pharmaceutical corporations have the capital to shell our millions for advertising campaigns and broker distribution deals with grocery or department chains. Natural solutions simply do not get this type of media recognition because pharmaceutical corporations would merely muscle them out with sheer economic might.

Within the realm of hemorrhoid treatment, you'll notice that most doctors readily recommend surgical removal and hardly try much more than a few creams which provide some mild relief in most cases. This does not always serve as a win-win for the patient.

Sometimes the best things in life are not popular. Think about the artistic work of Van Gogh, the intrigue that lies with his name did not materialize under over a hundred years after his death. The same thing with many remarkable inventions by that of the underground inventor Nikola Tesla who created AC circuitry. Furthermore, if you look at the independent music scenes, you'll notice many times that the best musicians are not always the famous ones. These are all examples of a very striking principle.

Natural Hemorrhoid Treatment Vs Pharmaceutical Hemorrhoid Treatment

It's best to be aware of these issues surrounding the health bureaucracy because it is your health in someone else's hands if you let it be.

acute sinusitis
allergic sinusitis headache
acute sinusitis
acute sinusitis Infection
acute sinusitis Infection

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