Tuesday, September 30, 2008

MedicineNet Daily News

Daily Health and Medical News from MedicineNet.com

1 Herb to Rule Them All

Ginseng, know as Ren Shen, is probably the most popular and well known of all herbs. In Chinese Medicine we classify this herb as a Qi Tonic. Ginseng warms, moves, and tonifies the Qi in the body and spreads it out through the body. For westerners this herb is known to increase energy, support an active lifestyle, and build up a healthy body. One thing I do give Ginseng is the fact that it not only does all of these things, it is useful in emergency situations including controlling blood and encouraging blood flow. It is used in China in I.V. form for hemorrhage, shock, and keeping consciousness. Ginseng is both powerful and one of the few herbs where it can be used by itself. So why isn't this herb getting the credit of the king herb? Well you know I wouldn't give you something this easy did you? Ginseng is also difficult to prepare when wanting to use it alone for tonifying. It requires a separate steamer and special preparation. Ginseng is very expensive and is often sold powdered from immature root and probably mixed with other herbs. Although this herb has these bleeding disorder qualities, it cannot be used in initial stages; it should not be used when there is an attack of sickness, and shouldn't be used with caffeine. With the world hyped up on coffee and energy drinks how can I put this on top J.

Want to get some pills and powder for your First Aid needs? Visit Dimmak Herbs and look for their Dimmak Clot at dimmakherbs.com

No reason to read this article because you already know the answer? However, my answer is not Ginseng, nor Echinacea. My herbal ruler can do many things and do them well. In fact, my herbal ruler has a very unusual property up its sleeve. Let me explain why my picks aren't the popular Chinese Ginseng or the Western Echinacea herb which are widely considered the king herbs globally and are in demand that also carry a high price tag.

When used for stasis there isn't a worry about thinning out the blood. This herb is great for injuries where there is swelling and bruises but it won't result in thinning of blood. Topically San Qi can be found in almost every popular external herbal application for pain, swelling, and to move blood. Herbs like this are excellent because they are pretty specific on application, but are versatile at the same time. San Qi should be taken internally and externally for a dual action purpose by working on the problem from the inside and out.

Echinacea is a powerful herb from the west known as Echinacea Purpurea. Echinacea is a mild herb and has little side effects even in huge overdoses, and sometimes is recommended in large doses. Echinacea has powerful anti-inflammatory properties and impressive antibiotic properties to boot. Both of these properties make for its powerful properties it's used for: Infections, Blood Cleaning, and Acute Inflammations and Sores. Upon first signs of infections or the body being invaded by about anything Echinacea can start to be taken in large doses and tapered off. Blood cleaning is a very popular thing to do now days and Echinacea is the staple in that regimen along with similar, but not as potent herbs.

And now for the moment you have been waiting for. My personal choice as the herb to rule them all is- San Qi. San Qi is known as Tien Qi, Notoginseng, and Pseudoginseng. What is this herb used for? San Qi stops bleeding, reduces swelling, alleviates pain, and breaks up blood stasis and clots. Yes, I said that this herb stops bleeding AND breaks up blood stasis and clots. San Qi can be used for one or the other or both. When used to stop bleeding you need not worry about thrombosis or stasis. For instance some women take herbs containing San Qi for heavy bleeding (menses), but they don't have to worry about menstrual clotting.

Externally the herb works to clot wounds immediately and becomes part of scab and is the outside of it, and it won't come off until the scab does. It should be applied as a paste moistened with a touch of water and it is because of this you need to take care in covering the wound. If you place direct loose gauze over this application the gauze will be permanent to the paste. Powdering over the paste will be effective in keeping the wound from bonding to your covering.

This herb has a pretty celebrated history of its effectiveness on the battle field. Stories of soldiers injured in battle were able to stabilize themselves with the San Qi and then make their way home. I'm talking about some serious wounds that have supposedly been treated with San Qi. To this day this herb is specifically indicated for gun shot wounds in the Materia Medica.

Want to see this herb in action?

Cleaning out toxins, relieving swollen glands, and lowering fevers makes for a great monthly cleanse and a program for cancer patients as well. In the world of first aid Echinacea is a great remedy because you can use it internally and externally right on the sores, cuts, wounds, boils, or any skin condition and get treatment for both ends. I love my Echinacea, but it's not the winner. Echinacea is not a tonic; it is used for acute conditions and loses any long term effectiveness after 10 days. It does not build up immunity as people believe, except for a short time where you would use it to actually treat a condition. Echinacea is endangered and considering the doses needed sometimes, can make it expensive. Because Echinacea is primarily to treat inflammation and acute conditions, it is most effective against coldness and deficiencies. Therefore, it must be used in combination with other herbs to make it work on those that aren't suffering internal heat.


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Health Tip: If Your Child Stutters

Title: Health Tip: If Your Child Stutters
Category: Health News
Created: 9/27/2008 2:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 9/29/2008

Constipation is often the result of a poor diet. It is important that you eat a healthy diet that consists of foods that help your digestive system to work properly. It is just as important that you avoid foods that cause constipation. Since constipation is something that can affect anyone, it is important for you to know what foods are beneficial to the prevention and treatment of constipation and what are the foods that cause constipation so that you can limit or avoid the intake of these foods.

It is essential, not only to your overall health, but also in the prevention of constipation that you eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly. A healthy diet consists of fresh fruits and vegetable, foods high in fiber, and foods that provide Omega-3 fatty acids. Your healthy lifestyle should also include planning your meals and maintaining a daily schedule for eating. Eating on a schedule will help your digestive system to stay on a regular schedule, which will aid in the prevention of constipation.

Maintaining a regular exercise regimen will help build the muscles in your intestines and will allow these muscles to work properly in the digestion of food. Chewing your food slowly and sufficiently will also help in the digestive process. Leading a healthy lifestyle and aiding your digestive system in the natural process of eliminating waste from your body not only helps you to feel better, but can also aid in preventing more serious illnesses that can be caused by repeated bouts of constipation.

Overall Health

You should be very careful when it comes to laxatives. Before you begin taking laxatives, you should know the difference between constipation and your bodys natural digestive schedule. Constipation occurs when you have less than 3 bowel movements per week. Remember that not everyone has a bowel movement each day, and in many cases, this is normal. Each persons body has its own individual schedule.

Foods to Avoid in Constipation

There are many types of foods that cause constipation. You should limit or eliminate your intake of these foods in order to prevent the onset of constipation symptoms. While constipation can occur in anyone and is not a serious illness, repeated bouts of constipation can lead to more serious illnesses. Sometimes constipation is a side effect of a medication or illness. If you are taking the medication or suffer from an illness that may involve constipation as a symptom of the illness, you should try to avoid foods that make the risk of constipation higher. Here are some common foods that cause constipation:

  • Milk
  • Cheese
  • Ice Cream
  • Chips
  • Pizza
  • Instant mashed potatoes
  • Pastries
  • Cakes
  • Cookies
  • Fried Foods
  • Processed Foods
  • Wheat-based Foods
  • Red Meat
  • Dried Beans

It is important for your overall health to eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly. Avoiding constipation should be a part of your healthy lifestyle. You should learn what foods cause constipation and try to avoid them altogether or limit your intake of these foods.

Foods That Cause Constipation - The Things to Be Avoided

If you start taking laxatives in order to make your digestive system perform according to what is normal for other people, you are increasing the chance that your digestive system will become dependent on laxatives in order to process waste from your body. Upsetting the natural process of your digestive system can cause more frequent bouts of constipation, which could lead to more serious illnesses. Being aware of your own bodys natural schedule and learning what foods cause constipation so that you can limit your intake can help in allowing your body to naturally process waste and improve your overall health.

A Healthy Diet in Constipation

In order to help prevent constipation you should avoid or limit your intake of dairy products, foods that are high in fat content, foods that are high in cholesterol content, and processed foods. Prepared meals that come in boxes is one type of food that causes constipation.

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acute sinusitis Infection
Treatment of Acute Sinusitis
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Treatment of Acute Sinusitis