Thursday, September 18, 2008

3-D MRI Helps Detect Patients at High Risk for Stroke

Title: 3-D MRI Helps Detect Patients at High Risk for Stroke
Category: Health News
Created: 9/17/2008 2:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 9/17/2008

10. Melons and Grapes- highly alkaline

8. Wheat

9. All fruits except Cranberries

4. Cookies

7. Honey

Alkaline foods prevents from diseases

Consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables has decreased giving rise to the Western acid-producing diet. Something or the other has to be done to control it otherwise the results will be too disastrous for us to imagine.

Our blood is somewhat alkaline, consisting of a normal pH level between 7.35 and 7.45. An acidic diet disrupts this balance and encourages the loss of essential minerals like potassium, magnesium, calcium, and sodium, as the body tries to restore balance and this imbalance makes you prone to numerous chronic diseases.

What happens- When we eat, our food gets digested, absorbed, and metabolized, and then it releases either an acid or an alkaline base (bicarbonate) into our blood.

6. Ovarian cysts, polycystic ovaries, benign breast cysts

Wheat is an acidic food but wheat grass is alkaline.

2. Jams

Similarly raw spinach is alkaline by nature but if you cook it, it gets highly acidic. Milk is also alkaline but only if it is raw. All processed forms of dairy are acidic and are to be avoided.

5. Anxiety, nervousness, irritability

Fruits and vegetables if eaten raw also provide a dual purpose of not only energy but also fiber. The heart, the brain, the blood cells, the liver, the kidney all require a body ph of 7.4 for a smooth and optimal functioning. Only an alkaline foods diet can insure that this natural alkaline body ph is restored. An alkaline foods diet is completely opposite to what most of us eat today.

1. Meats and oils

Alkaline levels in our body

Vegetables like mushrooms, onions, peas, pepper bells, parsley, radish, cucumber, tomatoes, potatoes with their peels and garlic though not green vegetables are all the same alkaline foods.

5. Wheat grass

3. Nasal congestion

7. Headache

1. Almonds

Now what is an alkaline diet?

Alkaline Foods - Must For A Balanced Diet

Acidic Foods

2. Excessive mucous production

6. Ice creams

11. Lemon- Though sour in taste yet not acidifying- Lemonade made with stevia and sea salt is highly alkaline and very refreshing

3. Butter


Remember never to eat just alkaline foods, a bit of acid is also required for a balanced diet. the only thing is to keep your acidic food intake very limited.

If you have noticed the following symptoms in you, then alkaline diet is strongly recommended for you:

For those who are inclined to non vegetarian diet meats are a clear no. For those looking for some protein there is chicken breast, which is alkaline and can be eaten for good health. Other meats are all acidic and should form no more the 20 % of ones diet.

Alkaline diet is recommended in different variations for different bodies. First go for a reliable source and purchase a pH balance kit. Measure your alkaline content and then go for the alkaline diet accordingly.

1. Lack of energy

And almost 90% of our food intake is acidic by nature.

But please stay miles away from the highly-acidic foods like animal flesh, processed food, eggplants, fats and even lentils. These acidic foods are really fatal for the body.

Needless to say that when we follow an alkaline foods diet our bodies get alkalinized and the acidic levels gets balanced out thus repelling all germs and strengthening the immune system.

5. Frozen foods

3. Raw milk

Many chronic aliments like cancer, arthritis, osteoporosis, coronary diseases, migraines, dental problems, depressions, sinusitis, and many such seemingly common illnesses are the result of acidic foods diet that we are used to. Now, do you realize that why do we suffer from such problems throughout our lives.

2. Yogurt

12. Quinoa, Amaranth, Millet, Buckwheat (grains)- All other grains are highly acidic in nature and should not be taken

Alkaline Foods

8. Herbal tea

7. Cranberries

So when looking for alkaline vegetables, go for the greens like broccoli, asparagus, cabbage, wheat grass, lettuce, and so on are high alkaline foods and are highly beneficial to the body.

The Greener The Vegetable, The More Alkaline

6. Germ grass

4. Soy milk

Alkaline diets prevent the formation of calcium kidney stones, osteoporosis, and age-related muscle wasting.

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acute sinusitis
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