Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Gene Boosts Resistance to Chemo Drug

Title: Gene Boosts Resistance to Chemo Drug
Category: Health News
Created: 9/16/2008 2:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 9/16/2008

Our society is in a state of spiritual emergence and there is only one thing that will lead us in a movement of healing, Natural Medicine. Natural Medicine has existed for Eons. It is quiet and humble by nature and has always survived the overwhelming, bombastic presence of the Western model. Acupuncture, Massage, Natural Herbs and supplements, Kinesiology, Yoga and Qi Gong all provide a space for which we can self discover. These modalities work on the bases of connecting with the deeper and subtle vibrations of the body, mind and spirit and then correcting the imbalance, gently.

Western medicine plays a significant role today. Their diagnostics and surgical procedures are world class and there are many doctors today tending towards recommending healthy alternative therapies. However, the tradition of prescribing medications that are heavily marketed by the multinational drug Corporations and the societal side effects have to be addressed.

The human qualities that have been lost in this system are connection, trust, kindness, patience, persistence and commitment. How can you develop connection with your doctor when the outcome of the appointment is you being handed something that helps you to avoid addressing anything (whilst creating another problem entirely)? How can we develop trust with our community when a major side effect of drug taking is paranoia, and to support ever growing habits, deceit must be used? How can we be kind to others when we are not being kind to ourselves? What will teach us patience when our society celebrates the quick fix? How will we develop persistence when the core of the 'quick fix' is to give up? Where in our lives will we demonstrate commitment when this system is about avoiding it?

These drugs have power over us. They corner us and make us feel small. We turn to the western model for help when we are trying to seek balance and their medicinal options make us become needy and weak. They do not arm us with the tools necessary to face this world and our role in it. All purpose is lost when all we are doing is surviving by synthetically detaching. There is a general belief when seeking this help that the antidepressants and painkillers prescribed are the doorway to doing the right thing for your life, 'taking control'. Western pharmaceuticals are the Backdoor OUT of people's lives and people are taking them because they want to feel better. How can you feel better when you have no control over yourself? When something external is dictating whether you will experience happiness today?

Natural Medicine - The Way Home

Therapists in the world of Natural Medicine are there to take the time to listen and help you work on yourself. This develops a connection, a bond, where it is safe to peel back the layers and re build yourself slowly. It is in this space that you learn about trust. It is the time taken and also the depth of these therapies that allow trust to develop. Seeking Natural therapy for yourself comes from an authentic place in your heart, you are being kind to yourself by doing so. The process of these therapies naturally takes time, which teaches us patience. Through the time spent we also learn respect and admiration for ones self. The quality of persistence develops through a balanced combination of external bodywork and internal realisation, ownership and release of all that is old and no longer serves you. Finally: Commitment. What you are doing for yourself by embarking on the journey of Natural Therapies is making a commitment to yourself. It is a commitment to obtaining the best quality of life you will ever find. It is a commitment to taking responsibility for yourself, your feelings, your actions and most importantly your destiny. Your destiny can only be followed when everything that makes you, is consciously chosen by you.

Our society is currently experiencing a desperate craving for something more than what is. It is this very craving that will lead us back to our roots where we were once tribal. Connected to mother earth, each other and ourselves. Where Life's purpose was to live in harmony with the earth, share, love and create. Natural Medicine is the medium for which we will begin to heal the damage that has been done. It is the path to learning how to live again. It is the way back to hearts. Natural Medicine is the way home.

The next step down from legal drug users are those who choose to self medicate with illegal substances. The people who take these are frowned upon because it's illegal. These substances can be more powerful and potentially more dangerous but ultimately are a solution to the same problem, our society is desperately unhappy! Our society has become segregated, disconnected and impatient with a constant undertone of incredible fear. Fear of living. Fear of dying. Fear of loving. Fear of getting it wrong. Fear of getting it right!

There is no sense of community any more. People believe that they have to 'be strong' and do it on their own. It's bullshit because they are not doing it on their own, they are using external substances to support themselves: legal or illegal is not even relevant. Everyone just wants their problems fixed today and no one wants to have to fight for their own wellness and balance. If someone else fixes it, people don't ever really have to own how they got there in the first place, and look at how much of it they created themselves.

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