Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Family History Key Player in Brain Cancer Risk

Title: Family History Key Player in Brain Cancer Risk
Category: Health News
Created: 9/23/2008 2:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 9/23/2008

Without proper bed rest, all these treatments to cure sinus infections would be failed. So take complete bed rest with no stress on mind and physique. Sinus infected person can cure sinus pains through these treatments and can get rid of sinus pain fast.

Sinusitis affects a person's mucous membrane and sinuses. It has following symptoms i.e. cough, cold, sore teeth, headache, mucus and fever. There are some methods to cure sinus infections. The sinus-infected person should follow both antibiotics and home made remedies so that its reoccurrence would be less. It is not a hilarious job to cure sinus infections, if a person would give proper attention to his/her health.

A person has to stop taking cold drinks. Take hot liquids such as tea, soup or lukewarm water. Not only this, he/she should also consume fruits and juices that contain Vitamin C. This is one of the best methods to cure sinus infections early.

Medicines are effective to kill bacterial infections. Doctors prescribe the medicines according to the type of sinus infection. Before coming to a final conclusion, doctors may take the blood test or swab test on nasal discharge. To cure sinus infections, they prescribe medicines such as Amoxcillin or Klacid. These medicines are available in chemist stores in syrup, tablets or nasal spray that unblock the mucous membrane and sinuses.

Nasal spray is also an available option to cure sinus infections. But its usage should be in a limit i.e. not more than three or four days. Over usage can create problems like blood pressure, swelling or anxiety. But the affect of any of these medicine or sprays would be temporary. So a sinus infected person is advised to have some natural remedies to cure sinus infections. These remedies cure the person's infection in a natural way.

Cure Sinus Infections

Sinus Headache Symptoms
allergic sinus
Blood Pressure Headache May Be Sinus
allergic sinus
acute sinusitis Infection

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