Monday, September 29, 2008

Dark Chocolate Prevents Heart Disease

Title: Dark Chocolate Prevents Heart Disease
Category: Health News
Created: 9/26/2008
Last Editorial Review: 9/26/2008

The Best Home Remedy For Vaginal Yeast Infection Treatment!

As always when dealing with medical issues the best course of action is to consult with your doctor and follow their advice to treat your condition. However, if you insist on trying a home remedy for vaginal yeast infections it seems the only one that may actually help at all is by using a yogurt suppository containing L. acidophilus bacteria.

There have been more than a few home remedies passed around for a lot of years, many of these such as boric acid suppositories can be life threatening and should not be used. Then there are other much talked about home treatments such as garlic suppositories, vinegar douches, etc. There is no reliable scientific evidence to support the claims of these techniques actually working to cure a yeast infection.

There is however, one home remedy for vaginal yeast infection that has shown in a study to be beneficial in controlling the symptoms associated with yeast infections. That remedy is the introduction of L. acidophilus into the vagina via suppository. The theory here is that since L. acidophilus is already a beneficial bacteria found in the vagina, by introducing it an infected person is boosting the beneficial bacteria to fight the overgrowth of yeast which caused the infection to present itself in the beginning.

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